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Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Business Networking -V- Social Media

Do you go to Business Networking Events (Breakfast Meetings, Business Exhibitions, etc) on a regular basis?

Most Business people have attended or been invited to a Business networking event. By going to networking events on a regular basis you start to build relationships with people. If you can build these contacts and and form a true relationship with these people you will experience a natural growth in your Business.

Do you buy because of the product or because of the person?

When you do business I would say that 99 times out of 100 you decide to do business because of the experience you have received when dealing with the seller. If you walk into a retailer to buy a Television and the sales person was a pushy, in your face, buy buy buy seller you would naturally put your guard up and go into defensive mode. If you were welcomed with a smile and you felt that the seller genuinely had your best interests at heart, you would warm to the seller and in most cases not mind paying more just because of the understanding  and connection you have had with this person.

Networking is exactly the same.

When you are at an event are you the in your face networker that just says me,me,me next and moves on? Or are you the person that listens, nods, understands and gives a feedback that shows the person you are really listening and genuinely interested? If you are the latter the person you have just connected with will remember you and will most probably do business with you in the future. If they do not themselves they will pass your details on to someone who will benefit from what you do.

Social Media is NO different.....

Well in principle it is no different. If you use Social Media in such a way that it attracts people to want to know more about you, the world is out there waiting. Yes , I said the WORLD.....

At your regular Weekly/Fortnightly Breakfast meeting you may have 20-40 people listening to your message. By using Social Media you can build the relationship and then let your message go out to Thousands if not Millions of people.

The one thing that is exactly the same whether it be Business Networking or Social Media is you.


So what's it going to be for you?

Business Networking, Social Media or BOTH???

Friday, 13 May 2011

Where do I start with my first Blog?

So, I know that a Blog is a Fantastic form of communication with many people. The question is "Where do I start?"

I sit here with the word Social Media screaming at me. "Social Media" is a big buzz word when you get out amongst the business people at Networking events. Everyone you speak to at these events know about Social Media but 90% of the business world do NOT understand it. Social Media if used in the correct way by the right people can get your message out to millions.

So what is "Social Media" to you?

The first answer on most peoples lips is Facebook. Yes, Facebook now is the most common form of Social Media for the everyday person who wants to take a look at what is going on in the world. The amount of times I hear business people say that "Facebook is a place for people to tell the world with what is wrong with there life". This may be true, but these people are putting a message out and don't really realise the numbers. Yes, if you post something on Facebook the WORLD know about it.

Now I am a user of Linked In. This is set up for business people . They can communicate on a 1-2-1 basis or get involved in group forum/discussions. The one thing a majority of Linked In users don't do though is engage with there connections. I personally at this time am messaging my connections to get a face to face meeting. What's the point of having all these numbers on hand but not knowing anything about them?

Twitter is the other main Social Media tool that people are using to get there message out. Now if you are one of those people that watch Television on a regular basis you would know that every program/advert links to either a Twitter page, Facebook page or both. This is because they know that this is a way of communicating with the Millions.

Now this has been a very brief touch on "Social Media" and the surface has been barely scratched. With applications out there like Four Square, Stumble Upon, YouTube, Flickr and hundreds more you  can use Social Media to get a message out there. Just remember to build relationships.

We all have the opportunity to be known worldwide, Now use it!!